Parution de Bois et forêts des tropiques : n°327

Le numéro 326 de BFT vient de paraître. En voici le sommaire.

Windthrow patterns and regeneration of trees in the Ipassa biosphere reserve in Gabon

J. P. Obame Engone, L. Bélanger, S. Assame

Dynamics of forest cover and carbon stock in the Democratic Republic of Congo: Case of the wood-fuel supply basin of Kinshasa

V. Gond, E. Dubiez, M. Boulogne, M. Gigaud, A. Peroches, A. Pennec, N. Fauvet, R. Peltier

Vegetative propagation of Vitex doniana sweet from root segments cuttings

M. Mapongmetsem, G. Fawa, J. B. Noubissie-Tchiagam, B. A. Nkongmeneck, S. S. H. Biaou, R. Bellefontaine

Local perceptions and knowledge of oil-seed plants in Burkina Faso’s Kénédougou province

F. R. S. Tietiambou, A. M. Lykke, G. Korbeogo, A. Thiombiano, A. Ouédraogo

Nature and periodicity of growth rings in African timber: Can they be used to determine the age of trees?

A. Mariaux, I. Bossanyi (Trans.)

Publiée : 12/05/2016