Unit news

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  • A geomatics engineer joins the UPR [[Forests and Societies]]

    A geomatics engineer joins the UPR Forests and Societies


    Clarisse vautrin was recruited by CIRAD in May 2023 as a geomatics engineer.

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  • Forest and Society Collective Celebration Day

    Forest and Society Collective Celebration Day


    As part of the traditional CIRAD days held every year during the first week of July, the Forêts et Sociétés collective met on Friday 7 July at the Hôtel Disini in Castries (Hérault).

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  • The range of the agile mangabey and mandrill in eastern Gabon revealed by photographic traps

    The range of the agile mangabey and mandrill in eastern Gabon revealed by photographic traps


    In a research note published in the African Journal of Ecology, a research team led by Davy Fonteyn (UPR Forêts et Sociétés) reports new sightings of these two primate species in eastern Gabon, revealed by camera traps. These observations suggest a potential extension of the range of Cercocebus agilis by 100 km to the south and reaffirm its presence in Gabon, which had not been documented for 50 years. Mandrill detections were also obtained for the first time on the right bank of the Ogooué in this area, in 2019 and 2021, supporting the potential long-term establishment of at least one and possibly a few individuals on this side of the river.

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  • To combat deforestation, let's help small producers change their practices

    To combat deforestation, let's help small producers change their practices


    Europe is now banning imports of products derived from deforestation. But for Plinio Sist, author of an article published in Reporterre, the measure will be ineffective unless producers are helped to change their practices.

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  • Putting the forest landscape restoration approach into practice

    Putting the forest landscape restoration approach into practice


    The result of a thematic day and the reflections of a working group on the Restoration of Forest Landscapes (GT-RPF) in which several members of the UPR Forêts et Sociétés participated, a summary note drawn up by the CST Forêt aims to complete the very many existing works on the subject, in particular by highlighting the critical points with regard to the operationalisation of the approach.

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  • Biogeography of central African forests: Determinants, ongoing threats and conservation priorities of mammal assemblages

    Biogeography of central African forests: Determinants, ongoing threats and conservation priorities of mammal assemblages


    Central Africa is home to a diverse and emblematic megafauna, which is threatened by changes in climate and land use, as well as increased defaunation due to hunting. Although crucial for the coordination of regional conservation actions, the way in which species assemblages are spatially structured remains poorly understood. A recent study, the results of which have been published in Diversity and Distributions, aims to fill this gap for the mammals of the Central African forests.

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  • Marie Ange Ngo Bieng will submit her habilitation to direct research on 01 June 2023.

    Marie Ange Ngo Bieng will submit her habilitation to direct research on 01 June 2023.


    The title of this HDR, defended on the UPSaclay campus, in the Rosalind Franklin room in the IDEEV, is "Evaluation and recovery of biodiversity and ecosystem services in tropical forest systems".

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  • Two new PROFEAAC practical guides

    Two new PROFEAAC practical guides


    Publication of two new practical guides As part of the PROmouvoir et Formaliser l'Exploitation Artisanale du bois d'œuvre en Afrique Centrale (PROFEAAC) project, two illustrated practical guides have been produced and will shortly be distributed to volunteers supervised as part of forest rehabilitation activities in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Cameroon.

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  • Marché_Charbon_Lubumbashi - Cliché Emilien Dubiez

    New study on the domestic energy consumption of urban households in the DRC


    After conducting an initial study on domestic energy consumption (November 2019 to June 2020) and studies on the organisation of the wood-energy sectors in the production basins of the cities of Kinshasa, Lubumbashi, Goma and Bukavu, CIRAD, in partnership with Congolese national bodies, has conducted a second study on household domestic energy consumption.

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  • Peut-on consommer sans déforester ? ©Getty - kampee patisena

    Can we consume without deforestation?


    On Wednesday 19 April, the European Parliament voted to ban the import of deforestation products. While the EU is responsible for 16% of global deforestation, this law is presented as a world first. What are the expected effects? Guillaume Lescuyer is one of the guests on the programme "Le téléphone sonne" on France Inter.

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