PROFEAAC - PROmote and Formalise Artisanal Wood Exploitation in Central Africa through a multi-scalar approach: territorial management of the resource, governance of the sector, promotion of the demand for legal sawn timber

The project aims to formalise and develop artisanal timber exploitation in Central Africa

Project start date:


Project end date:



Democratic Republic of Congo & Cameroon


The general objective of the project is to reduce the degradation of rural forests in Central Africa by formalising and rationalising artisanal wood exploitation.
This general objective covers several issues, namely

  • a better understanding of the impact of artisanal logging on forest cover, particularly in rural and non-permanent areas
  • a formalisation of the artisanal wood production sector at the communal level, which would also enable this activity to contribute to the sustainable development of rural areas;
  • support to ensure the regeneration of the resource in the non-permanent domain, through different tools.


IRD, Tropenbos, MINFOF, CPE Tshopo, Ilexa Bois


Guillaume Lescuyer, Philippe Guizol, Emilien Dubiez, Julie Betbeder
