Interview de Manuel Boissière sur le site de RTCC (Responding to climate change)

Une interview par Tierney Smith, intitulée "les communautés forestières de Papouasie offrent une nouvelle perspective à l'égard du changement climatique"

The role local people have to play in responding to climate change is being given increasing focus in the international climate talks.

How communities perceive changes to their local climate and environment can help fill the gaps in climate science and provide a more comprehensive picture of the changes taking place.

In the Mamberamo Raya Regency in Papua, Indonesia, where there are only a couple of meteorological stations covering a vast territory – three million hectares – local knowledge offers a complimentary source of information.

Manuel Boissière, a researcher for the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) and Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement (CIRAD), has been working with six villages in the region – spanning from communities in mangrove, swamps, to those in mountainous regions upland.

He talks to RTCC about the information he has been gathering from the local communities, and what changes they have seen take place over the last eight years.

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Publiée : 17/10/2012